Tryp Bates has offered himself to leather-clad dom Sean Xavier. In the dungeon he will be flogged, fucked, bound and have his face fucked by Sean’s massive cock. For now, Tryp must wait with his hands tied to the ceiling, and a spreader bar holding his ankles far apart. Sean is pleased at the sight and inspects Mr. Bates. He knows Bates wants it hard. Sean dishes it out with his flogger, tearing into Tryp’s exposed nipples, chest, stomach and backside. Sean pays special attention to Tryp’s tight buns. Tryp’s muscled body absorbs the sting of every blow delivered by the flogger held firmly in the powerful hand of Sean Xavier. Tryp only asks for more. He has earned Sean’s cock. Tryp hungrily fills his mouth with the large cock. Sean is hungry for that ass. He ravages Tryp’s ass, drilling deep into those tight buns. After a deep, devastating assfucking, Tryp is in even a tighter position. Bound by rope, mouth gagged, he must kneel on two tree stumps. Sean arrives with the crop. More pain to inflict, more pain for Tryp to absorb.
Tryp’s hard cock sticks straight out, a tempting target for Sean’s crop. After a severe beating, Sean removes the mouth gag, better to hear Tryp’s cries of pain when Sean attaches forceps clamps to Tryp’s tender nipples. Even worse is the heavy river stones attached to Tryp’s balls. How many can Sean fit on those balls? Six, eight, ten, sixteen, twenty?? How far can Tryp’s ballsack stretch? The pain only intensifies with a rope suspension. Tryp is bound tight, legs spread apart for easy access, and his mouth at the correct height to accept Sean’s massive cock. Sean warms up his sub with more flogging and Tryp rotates on his axis of pain. Sean fucks Tryp’s mouth before diving into Tryp’s vulnerable asshole. Sean tears into it with gusto, deep plowing that tight ass and barely giving Tryp time to catch his breath.